Watch Andrea’s short film “Stitching Seams” which won “Best Narrative” at the 2023 Ashfield Film Festival! Click on the image below to watch the film.

About The Curious Thimble

Andrea loves clothes.

Why? Because clothing and its production create a layered portrait of human stories where labor, economics, art, design, and place intersect. Clothing helps map out the geography of our memories and provides tangible evidence of people, places, and craft.

The Curious Thimble is an ongoing artistic an digital exploration of textile history and craft. In addition to her artistic & cultural studies work, Andrea works as a Collections Steward for a local museum. She holds a B.A. from Mt. Holyoke College in Art History and an M.A. from UConn in Italian Cultural Studies where she focused on the artists and writers of Austro-Hungarian Trieste. Andrea’s current research interests have shifted to textile production in the United States during the Arts & Craft movement and the cultural history of the sewing machine from 1870-1970.

In her spare time, Andrea organizes the Getting into Treadle project in Western Massachusetts and makes retro-inspired resin jewelry. You can purchase her work at the MASS MoCA gift shop (North Adams, MA) and Waterway Arts (Turner's Falls).